Refrigeration Services
Affordable Refrigeration Services
Some of the newest energy efficient measures available to consumers are upgrades to commercial refrigeration. The most efficient upgrades available do not require major renovation, are easy to install, and have a very quick payback. Most of these upgrades are subsidized through incentives offered by local utilities which significantly defray the total cost of the project. As a service provider for several utilities Twin Supplies offers a variety of refrigeration measures including:- Motors: replacement of existing Shaded-Pole Motors with Electronic Commuted Motors (ECM). Most Shaded-Pole Motors have an approximate wattage of 140W while the new ECM uses a maximum of 40W at full speed. ECM speed can be controlled based on the needs of the freezer/cooler, a majority of the time (85%-90%) they run at slow speed only consuming 10W while still maintaining optimal performance!
- Anti-sweat Control: installation of controllers significantly reduces the operation time of the anti-sweat heater which is found in almost every cooler/freezer door. Glass doors usually include a heater running 24/7 to avoid condensation from accumulating on the doors, so customers can always see what is inside freezers/coolers. The controller runs the heaters when they are really needed according to the ambient conditions, and turns them off when not needed, therefore reducing energy output and increasing savings on utility bills.
- Strip curtains: new or replacement strip curtains help the insulation of walk-in freezers/coolers, bringing extra savings through a practical and easy solution.
- Auto door closers: mounting of an automatic, hydraulic-type door closer on main walk-in cooler or freezer. Keeps freezer/cooler doors closed minimizing avoidable energy loss.
- Insulation of bare refrigeration suction lines: insulation of existing bare suction refrigeration pipes located on the outside of the refrigerated space. Insulation of these pipes helps significantly reduce energy lost through bare suction lines.
Previously serviced areas in: California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.
Twin Supplies, Ltd.
1010 Jorie Blvd., Suite 124
Oak Brook, IL 60523
(630) 590-5138
© 2024 Twin Supplies Lighting